Common Bond Institute

Letter To The President

Letter to President Bush

An Appeal for Strength, Wisdom, and Compassion
(In the days following 9-11)
September 17, 2001

Dear President Bush,
Last week’s horrendous tragedy naturally creates deep shock and anger in all people who oppose such destruction and harm to innocent victims, and requires unprecedented strength, deep wisdom, and compassion that will define this pivotal moment in human history as one where more understanding and good is created than hate and cruelty.

In bringing those individually and specifically responsible for this appalling act to justice, we implore you to make the US a model for peace among all by not simply expanding the tragedy for the entire planet and inflicting more pain and carnage on other blameless victims.

Lest we lose our own moral way, it is imperative we avoid indicting an entire society, ethnic group, or religion and using the tools of terror against innocents to counter terror.

Furthermore, as an organization that has organized training programs, conferences, and relief efforts internationally for over 12 years with the purpose of transforming conflicts, including a major annual international conference on conflict resolution, Common Bond Institute and our network of cooperating organizations wish to offer our services in creating public venues for serious dialogue and listening on healthy, humane alternatives to violence and revenge.

Let this be the beginning of a new way, a new commitment to our beliefs; of truly putting our trust in the power of good over hate rather than misguidedly seeking to tap into the power of hate to defeat it. In that way lies our own destruction and loss of humanity.


Steve Olweean
Common Bond Institute

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