Common Bond Institute

Since it’s founding in 1990, CBI has operated humanitarian programs to facilitate local capacity building for psycho-social healing and conflict transformation in regions of war and turmoil, and engaged and compassionate dialogue across divides.

Our Current Work

Disaster Health Care field clinics, and Community-Based psychosocial service projects for vulnerable, high risk populations in regions of war and violence.

Local capacity building psychosocial skills training programs for service providers in regions of conflict for healing, empowerment, and self-determination.

Interactive dialogue and training conferences oriented toward practical applications in addressing psychosocial and conflict transformation issues.

An innovative and collaborative teletherapy service delivery project bridging language and cultural gaps in treatment for non-English speaking refugees being resettled primarily in the US.

International Journal of Communal and Transgenerational Trauma

A peer-reviewed journal reflecting a whole-person, cross-cultural perspective and exploration of the psycho-emotional trauma experience, from the individual to the communal.

Selected Chapters and Articles by CBI staff that reflect the mission of our work.

Become involved in life-changing work, and gain invaluable professional and personal experience.

Professional Networking and Collaboration

Help Support Our Humanitarian treatment and recovery services

with a Tax Deductible Contribution

Local capacity building and strategic collaboration with like-purposed organizations for a larger, more effective response to massive need is our mission and commitment

Who We Are and What We Do

CBI is a non-profit, Non-Government Organization that works to increase skills and services locally to promote sustainable social healing and conflict transformation, and to expand public dialogue, awareness, and research in critical issues.


Since 1990 we have organized and sponsored 50+ international, inter-disciplinary conferences, and numerous professional skills training and treatment programs for local capacity building in human services and civil society in developing societies that are regions of conflict.


CBI’s partner organization, International Humanistic Psychology Association, publishes an online journal, the International Journal of Communal and Transgenerational Trauma, as a global mechanism for sharing research, theory, practical applications, and policy, as well as personal experience and perception through the expressive arts, in addressing the dynamics and effects of trauma at the individual and communal levels.

Help support our life-saving services to refugee children and their families.
Make a tax deductible donation through our US Federal 501(c)3 nonprofit partner:

International Humanistic Psychology Association

    >  Individual donations via PayPal:

    >  Organizational donations by direct check: