6th Annual International Conference on
Transgenerational Trauma:
Communal Wounds and Victim Identities
Amman, Jordan: October 12-14, 2017
List of Presenters:
Farha Abbasi, Ilene Serlin, Kirk Schneider, Myron Eshowsky, Steve Olweean, Ayat Nashwan, Ghalia AlAsha, Tanya Awad Ghorra, Peter Breen, Maya Jacobs-Wallfisch, Erica Serlin, Ayda Alavi
List of Program Sessions:
1) “Integrating Inner Systems Therapy With Islam: A Culturally Adaptive Model”
The Internal Systems Therapy (IST) model based on IFS therapy, will be integrated with concepts from the traditional Islamic models of the psyche. The concepts of nafs, aqi, qalb and ruh fit well with the IST, offering a model easily adapted to the Islamic context.
Thomas Holmes, PhD, MA, MSW
2) “Dance Movement Therapy and Trauma: a Posttraumatic Growth Approach”
This workshop will introduce participants to the theory, application and practices of the Dance Movement Therapy as a Whole Person approach to promote resilience and work with trauma. Participants will learn techniques and contraindications for reducing anxiety, building strength, increasing bodily awareness and expressiveness, and building supportive relationships in the group. These approaches build on current approaches to treating trauma by adding tools that bring the body, symbolic movement, movement through space and the creative process into the healing process.
Ilene Serlin, PhD, BC-DMT
3) “Healing Work for Larger Group Traumas”
Looking at larger group traumas, we will explore stories of how different groups have worked to address historical trauma and what we can learn from these efforts. Primary emphasis will be on indigenous populations around the world and what helpful approaches they’ve developed. An exploration of the importance of community ritual for addressing larger group traumas will be presented and we will create a community ritual as a group in the training.
Myron Eshowsky, MS
4) “Discovering And Practicing NonViolent Communications (NVC) On The Way To Conflict Resolution”
Active and interactive workshop, where we start by defining communication (feelings, needs, process. verbal, non-verbal), followed by NVC practice (does and don’ts,active listening, understanding the way I see facts…), NVC during conflict, the 4 ways of conflict resolution, understanding the conflict circle. All done in an active way, with over 5 “games” or exercises to be used by participants in their fields.
Tanya Awad Ghorra, MBA
5) “International Psychosocial Intervention for Refugees in the Middle East Facing Trauma: Discussion of Barriers and Possible Solutions”
This workshop will discuss an educated discussion surrounding the topic of effective International psychosocial interventions for Refugees in the Middle East who have experienced trauma fleeing war-torn conflict. Many Non-Governmental Organizations are quick to provide relief efforts and begin implementing development programs while underestimating the value of the cultural and religious context. In this workshop, we will discuss the barriers faced by practitioners, possible solutions, and questions.
Ayat Nashwan, PhD, and Shefa Obaid, BA
6) “Healing Trauma Through Yoga: Integration of Body, Mind, and Soul”
Trauma is tied to the past; yoga leads to the present. Trauma focuses on misfortune and disaster; yoga focuses on resources and possibilities. Yoga is an integrative system. It works bottom-up and top-down by using the three energy sources: Movement, breath, and mind. It helps to gain awareness of the body, harmonize the breath, and control the thoughts. Afterwards you feel calm, grounded, and present.
Regina Weiser, PhD
7) “Working With Refugee Families With Young Children In Norway “
Presentation of the first Transcultural Center in Norway and its work with traumatized refugee families with young children based on research on transgenerational trauma. This will be a presentation that will be both practical and theoretical in its content.
Domnine Lecoq, PhD and Aina Basilier Vaage M.D
8) “Effectiveness of Counseling Program Based on the Transactional Analysis in Improving Positive Thinking and Self Assertive Skills for Abused Women in Amman”
A counseling program applied with abused women who have been exposed to domestic violence, emotional abused, and sexual abuse. The program is based on one of the theories of psychological counseling and psychotherapy, and will demonstrate the benefit to the mental health of women impacted by abuse through focusing on positive thinking, patterns of social interaction skills, and assertiveness.
Reyad Mohammed Abu Sharaf
9) “The First Arabic Online Intervention For PTSD; The Journey So Far”
The current paper explores the adaptation and development of an online intervention for the treatment of PTSD in Egypt. The current paper describes the process, challenges and successes of developing the tool, and designing a large-scale intervention study to implement and measure effectiveness and acceptability amongst Egyptians.
Kate Ellis, DclinPsy, Phd
10) “Parenting Program: An Essential Intervention Within A Refugee Community”
Parents are one of the most important providers of psychosocial intervention, support, and security to children in a crisis. The program presented is designed to help mothers in particular, as a central member in a family, to effectively reduce and manage their own pain from multiple trauma and develop effective parenting skills to help restore positive communication and emotional stability between mothers and children. It also promotes rebuilding positive connection among members of the refugee community itself and with the local community.
Ghalia Alasha, PhD
Roundtable Topics:
1) “Violence, Trauma, Displacement, and Gender”
2) “Psycho-social and Whole-Person Approaches for Healing Individual and Communal Trauma”
3) “Self-Help and Mutual Support Coping Skills For Vulnerable Communities Under Stress”
4) “Moving From Separation and Competition to Mutual Support and Collaboration: Responsible Models for More Effective Humanitarian Assistance”