2019 T T Program
8th Annual International Conference on
“Transgenerational Trauma:”
October 25-26, 2019 ~ Amman, Jordan
Friday, October 25
10:00 am – 11:00 am
Greeting, Mission, Overview of Conference Theme and Challenges:
Steve Olweean, MA, Conference Coordinator
Community Building Exercise:
Ilene Serlin, PhD, BC-DMT
11:00 am- 12:15 pm
A-1 Using the Arts to Work with Trauma: KinAesthetic Imagining
In this workshop, we will learn about theory and research on the use of the arts to work with trauma. We will experience a method called KinAesthetic Imagining, a movement-based creative arts therapy, and how it can be used to work with intergenerational trauma and compassion fatigue
Ilene Serlin, PhD
A-2 Addressing Risk: Research and Clinical/Psychosocial Practice in the Context of Trauma, Conflict & Humanitarian Settings
This session focuses on developing a shared understanding of some of the critical skills, approaches, and other considerations necessary for the responsible (and ethical) management – prevention, mitigation, and etcetera – of the risks associated with working in conflict and humanitarian settings. This presentation will emphasize some of the potential consequences facing both practitioner(s) and client population(s) when such factors are ignored.
Wajdi Akef Fakhoury, MA, AMFT
~ Lunch Break ~
12:15 – 1:45 pm
1:45 – 3:00 pm
B-1 Empowering Refugee Women And Girls Facing Trauma In The Middle East
Presenting guiding principles for working with women and girl survivors of Gender Based Violence (GBV) in a refugee context. Including an exploration of the main challenges and obstacles faced by social workers in international NGO interventions and programs. In particular, we will look deeper into the effect of trauma on the case management process for survivors of GBV
Ayat Nashwan, PhD
B-2 Healing the Collective Trauma of our Times
This workshop offers participants an experience of the life practice of The Way of Council, a methodology for building trust and connection through deep listening and authentic expression including movement, music making, and other healing modalities.
Leon Berg and Itaf Awad, MA
3:15 – 4:30 pm
Nonviolent Communication: A Compassionate Way Of Living And Addressing Conflict
Non Violent Communication takes us back to the essentials: we all function to answer our needs, needs are not negative, not linked to others, they are universal. If we learn to value our needs, and those of others, through empathy and compassion, we become better communicators, and better resolve conflicts. Because our biases and our fear, won’t be leading us anymore, only or love and humanity.
Tanya Awad Ghorra, MBA
4:45 – 6:00 pm
The Need for Whole-Person, Multi-modal, Cross-Cultural, and Local Capacity Building Approaches in Recovery from Catastrophic Trauma
Ilene Serlin, PhD, Steve Olweean, MA, Myron Eshowsky, MS
Saturday, October 26
10:00 – 11:15 am
E-1 Indigenous Psychotherapies, Trauma, and Ceremony
Indigenous psychology focuses on issues of community building, interpersonal relations, and spiritual understanding. Most indigenous psychotherapies close the gap between the individual and larger community by viewing trauma in more holistic terms, seeing it as loss of one’s soul, along with the disconnection of relationships among self, others, and the larger circle of life. Participants will learn one simple healing tool and those who wish can participate in a larger healing ceremony.
Myron Eshowsky, MS
E-2 The Post-Traumatic Stress Spectrum and Healing: Lessons from High Conflict Zones
This workshop explores the wide variety of behavioral, emotional and spiritual consequences of populations living in environments with continuous conflict based on experiences in Palestine, Central America and West Africa and explores culturally embedded methods to address the ongoing needs of populations in distress.
Denise Ziya Berte, PhD
11:15 am – 12:30 pm
F-1 Bodymemory, War And Arrival In The Host Country: A Pilot Research Project On A Non-Verbal Body-Centered Approach To Support The Inner State And Agency Of Refugees In Germany
Our body remembers all experiences of our life. Yet this legacy is mutable. Like neuroplasticity does in the brain new, positive experiences can be inscribed into the memory of our body. This session provides a theoretical input into embodiment research and present my own bodymemory work with refugees and locals in German refugee camps.
Beatrice Schlee, PhD, Lucie Stolwijk, BA, and Marie Löbe, BA.
F-2 Building And Supporting Individual And Communal Resilience Through The Therapeutic Use Of Interactive Music And Performance.
Expanding on the established benefits of music therapy to demonstrate the effectiveness when this method is extended to the large group, communal level for communities under stress.
Nimo Patel
~ Lunch Break ~
12:30 – 2:00 pm
2:00 – 3:15 pm
G-1 Expressive Writing As A Method For Psychosocial Healing
A workshop demonstrating the therapeutic use of expressive writing with trauma victims in relieving psychosocial symptoms and building resilience, through expressing the internal trauma story and then reframing the experience toward healing and recovery.
Nicole Olweean, MA
G-2 Internal Kungfu for Mental and Body Health
Kungfu Meditation – guided meditation that releases stress, gains Chi energy and enhances focus.
Basic Kungfu Defense movements to improve mind-body connection and build confidence
Kungfu movements practiced with another partner
Jilong Zhao
3:30 – 5:00 pm
Issues And Challenges In Mental Health Research With Refugee Populations to Advance More Effective and Culturally Adapted Models and Methods of Treatment
Ilene Serlin, PhD, Beatrice Schlee, PhD, Ayat Nashwan, PhD
Moderator: Steve Olweean, MA
5:00 – 6:00 pm
Presentation of certificates to presenters and staff.
Outcomes, Personal sharing, and community farewell.
Available On-Site Mediators
Myron Eshowsky, Steve Olweean
~ Farewell Dinner Party ~
7:30 – 10:30 pm
A final time to break bread together
Opportunity to review what has been accomplished as a learning community over these 3 days; explore possible next steps, action plans, and collaborations for putting learning into practice; gain feedback for future conference planning; and share last comments and observations.
Presentation of Certificates to Presenters and Staff
Personal sharing and community farewell
Closing thoughts and community experience